Buyer Protection

Buyer ProtectionBuyer Protection allows you to get a refund with a protection period if the product does not arrive, arrives damaged, or does not match its description. How long is the consumer protection period and how can I initiate a return/refund? It will take 15 days from the time you confirm receipt of your product. This includes any product marked "Buyer Protection" on the product details page, other than: • Product that you have damaged yourself • Products that are tailored and designed by you • Products that are easily damaged (such as flowers) • Products that are not suitable for return due to hygiene and health reasons. Learn more about special cases here. If there is a problem with your product, follow these steps: Contact the store Inform the store about the problem and upload any supporting data if requested (photos, screenshots, etc.), to help you reach a satisfactory solution with the store. Submit a return/refund request If you are unable to reach an agreement or refund, go to My Account > Orders, view the related requests and submit a request for a refund only or return the order and refund the amount. Get your refund Select the reason for return/refund from the list provided, upload the required supporting data (photos, videos, etc.), and submit the order. You can return to check the return/refund on orders to see the progress of your order. If the product needs to be returned, who bears the return costs? • If you decide to return the product due to a change of mind, you will be required to bear the return shipping costs • If the product is damaged, does not match its description, or is incorrect, the store will be required to bear the return shipping costs. When will I get my refund? • The refund takes 1-10 days depending on your original payment method • Any refund will be to your original payment method • Alternatively, you can get a faster refund to your totostore Bonus account. For full details, see the Buyer Protection Rules and Conditions. What other conditions are subject to Buyer Protection? There are two cases in which you can use and benefit from the Buyer Protection service: 1 - In the event that the seller does not fulfill his promise, whether it is related to: ● The sale or after-sales service, such as not being able to use the warranty for your order as required by regulations and laws ● Or the shipping and delivery service, such as asking you to pay additional shipping costs after completing your order, or not sending your order using the agreed shipping method or path or shipping company, etc. 2 - In the event of unacceptable behavior by the seller that may affect your right as a shopper, and/or using inappropriate language during communication with you. * In the event that you encounter any of the previous cases while using totostore, please contact the Help Center Some special cases to note In some specific countries, stores are required to comply with the legal requirements related to this (warranty, return, etc.) which may be applicable according to the location where the shopper is located. For example, in most European countries you will have a comprehensive warranty for two years and the right to return the order for 14 days. Learn more here: Legal rights for European consumers. In Brazil, you will have a comprehensive legal guarantee of 30 days (non-long-lasting goods) or 90 days (long-lasting goods). In addition, you will have a 7-day right of withdrawal according to the Brazilian Consumer Law. Special requirements for South Korea can be found here. Still have questions? We are here to help.