If you have a problem with a purchase you made, you can tell us about it. However, we do not allow buyers to abuse our Buyer Protection programs such as:

Filing a claim when you have already received a refund

Filing a claim in retaliation against the seller

Making false claims against the seller

Please be sure to follow the guidelines below when opening a claim against the seller.

What are the guidelines?


Filing a claim after not receiving an item and not being able to resolve the issue directly with the seller

Filing a dispute after finding that the item you received does not match the description in the product listing

Not Allowed

Claiming that you did not receive an item after you actually received it

Claiming that an item is significantly different from the description in the product listing when the condition of the item is consistent with the description in the product listing

Filing a claim when you have already received a refund from the seller or compensation from your payment provider

Filing a claim against the seller as a form of retaliation after previous disputes

Threatening to file a claim against the seller to obtain a discount or additional goods and services, when the item arrived in the condition described in the product description

Pattern of excessively opening Buyer Protection claims

Make sure you follow these guidelines or you may be subject to a range of disciplinary actions, including restrictions on your purchasing privileges and suspension or termination of your account. In addition, if your account is suspended or terminated, we may also suspend or terminate any or all other accounts that we, in our sole discretion, believe are associated with you based on information we have available from the relevant accounts (including, without limitation, user registration information, credit card information and computer information).